Is the Cascading Mentoring Mode for PhD Students in Science and Engineering More Effective than the Apprentice Mentoring Mode? Based on the Empirical Research of Doctoral Students in Graduate Schools in China
中文关键词: 级联指导;博士研究生;科研训练
英文关键词: cascading mentoring;doctoral students;scientific research training
李永刚 天津大学 教育学院/教育科学研究中心, 天津 300350 
方亚丽 天津大学 教育学院/教育科学研究中心, 天津 300350 
摘要点击次数: 1577
全文下载次数: 3851
      As the cascading mentoring mode is increasingly popular in the cultivation of junior research talent in the era of big science, more than one third of the doctoral students in science and engineering at major research universities in China are cultivated under the mode. The authors find that compared with traditional cognitive apprentice mentoring mode, the cascading mentoring mode does not show significant superiority. In terms of core scientific and research abilities such as academic interest, deep understanding of knowledge, originality of research, and ability to raise questions, it is significantly weaker than the cognitive apprentice mentoring mode. However, in terms of the improvement of doctoral students' scientific research productivity and part of the scientific research cognition and research skills, the guidance effect by young researchers in cascading mentoring mode and that by supervisors in cognitive apprentice mentoring mode are on par with each other. The authors also find laboratory cooperative teachers can effectively make up for the lack of guidance energy of supervisors in teamed scientific research. Therefore, the authors suggest that as China is a later country in developing scientific research, doctoral training institutions should establish a cascading mentoring mode with research direction as the link, strengthen direct guidance of supervisors to doctoral students in some key scientific research capabilities, establish an incentive mechanism for young researchers to participate in guiding doctoral students, and foster a free and equal culture of scientific research and mutual assistance.
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