Rethinking on Humanistic Value in Ethnic Minority High-level Professional Personnel Training Program: Based on Perspective of Rationalizatio
中文关键词: “少数民族高层次骨干人才计划”;人本性价值;理性化;反思
英文关键词: ethnic minority high-level professional personnel training program;humanistic value;rationalization;rethinking
国建文 中央民族大学 教育学院, 北京 100081 
傅淳华 中央民族大学 教育学院, 北京 100081 
摘要点击次数: 3247
全文下载次数: 6595
      Viewed from a rational perspective, the value orientation in the ethnic minority high-level professional personnel training program is now facing with imbalanced crisis of instrumental value and humanistic value, which leads to "pseudo", or "policy-compulsory" training programs, violation of contracted training programs, and many other irrational circumstances. Therefore, the author proposes to make in-depth study on the influence on the rational humanistic value in the policy arising from such factors as the vagueness of the policy, the indifferent ice-cold cognition of the society, and the proliferation of the personal value expectation during the process of formulation, implementation and observation of the policy, so that a solution might be found. The author further proposes that as the policy maker, the state should make the descriptions of the policy more understandable and ensure the policy implementable; the society should better understand or even tolerate the policy; individuals need to timely adjust his or her value expectations in accordance with the policy so that we can give full play to the effectiveness of the policy.
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