The Emergence, Development and Cultural Elements of the Professional Degree Educations between China and the United States——Also on the Academicization Problems of Professional Degree Postgraduate Education in China
中文关键词: 专业学位;实用主义;经世致用;学术化问题
英文关键词: professional degree;pragmatism;practical application;academic issues
李安萍 常州大学 研究生院/中吴智库研究中心, 江苏 常州 213164 
胡秀英 江苏理工学院 化学化工学院, 江苏 常州 213001 
摘要点击次数: 233
全文下载次数: 237
      Both China and the United States adopt the setting of professional degrees to cultivate high-level applied professionals for social and economic development. In the process of the emergence and development of professional degrees in China and the United States, the structures of the higher-learning institutions has changed accordingly. In the United States, a university pattern has emerged in which schools of arts and sciences or postgraduate schools of arts and sciences coexist with specialty-based professional colleges, while universities in China are characterized by an increase in the number of colleges/schools based on first-level disciplines. Objectively, the structure of American higher-learning institutions is conducive to the formation of classified education for academic and professional degree postgraduates, while the structure of Chinese higher-learning institutions is one of the causes of the academicization of education for professional degree postgraduates. The issue of academicized training for professional degree postgraduates in China is like the two sides of a coin. At the cultural level, under the influence of the consistent concept of pragmatism, professional degree postgraduate education and even the whole postgraduate education in China contain application elements. The professional degree postgraduate education unavoidably overlaps with the application elements of the academic degree postgraduate education, leading to the so-called academicization problems of professional degree postgraduate education. Probably, it is an inevitable phenomenon that professional degree postgraduate education will converge to some extent with academic degree postgraduate education, but care should be taken to avoid the pure theoretical speculation factor of "academic for academic purposes" in the academic degree postgraduate education.
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