博士生视角下导生错配的表现类型及其反应策略 |
An Exploration of the Types of Mismatches between Supervisors and Doctoral Students and Responding Countermeasures from the Perspective of Doctoral Students |
投稿时间:2024-06-10 |
DOI:10.19834/j.cnki.yjsjy2011.2024.06.10 |
中文关键词: 导生错配;错配类型;博士生;博士生导师;导生关系 |
英文关键词: mismatch between supervisors and doctoral students;types of mismatches;doctoral students;doctoral supervisors;supervisor-doctoral student relationship |
基金项目:全国教育科学规划课题国家一般项目"博士生教育分流退出机制的研究"(BIA200194) |
作者 | 单位 | 曾剑雄 | 上海交通大学 教育学院, 上海 200240 | 张国栋 | 上海交通大学 教育学院, 上海 200240 |
摘要点击次数: 206 |
全文下载次数: 250 |
中文摘要: |
基于对90名博士生(含17名未完成学业者)的半结构式访谈,结合冲突管理理论,运用质性研究的主题分析方法探究博士生与导师错配的表现类型及其反应策略。研究发现,博士生与导师的错配主要表现为三种错配类型,即个体价值观错配、学术兴趣错配以及需求期望错配。同时,博士生在面对这些错配时呈现出不同的反应策略:调整自身心态与情绪,学会与之共处;积极寻找多元化方案,主动解决问题;既无法与之共处又无法解决问题,产生退学意向;达到无可挽回的地步,终止关系。建议从优化导生互选制度体系,建立多元化的研究小组;完善导师更换制度,搭建导生平等交流平台等方面化解博士生与导师错配问题,发展和谐导生关系。 |
英文摘要: |
Based on semi-structured interviews with 90 doctoral students (including 17 who have not completed their studies), and applying conflict management theory, this paper uses the thematic analysis method of qualitative research to explore manifestations and response strategies of mismatches between doctoral students and supervisors. This study finds that there are three main types of mismatches between doctoral students and their supervisors: individual values mismatch, academic interests mismatch, and needs and expectations mismatch. Faced with these mismatches, doctoral students respond in different ways: adjusting their own mentality and emotions and adapting to the situation; actively seeking different solutions to the problem; intending to drop out because they cannot live with the situation or solve the problem; and ending the mismatch when the bad relationship becomes irreversible. Therefore, this paper suggests that in order to solve the mismatch problems, we should optimize the mutual selection system, establish a diversified research group, improve the supervisor change system, and set up a platform where supervisors and doctoral students can communication on an equal footing, so that we can develop a harmonious relationship between supervisors and students. |
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