研究生导师心理育人的价值意蕴、实践困境及提升对策 |
Value Implication, Practical Difficulties and Countermeasure Upgrading in Psychological Education by Postgraduate Supervisors |
投稿时间:2024-05-17 |
DOI:10.19834/j.cnki.yjsjy2011.2024.06.07 |
中文关键词: 研究生导师;心理育人;价值意蕴;实践困境;提升对策 |
英文关键词: postgraduate supervisors;psychological education;value implications;practical difficulties;countermeasure upgrading |
基金项目:浙江省哲学社会科学规划"高校思想政治工作研究"专项课题"新时代研究生群体心理健康需求分析与支持体系构建研究"(25GXSZ006YB);浙江省"十四五"研究生教学改革项目"校企协同创新视域下研究生职业规划与就业指导课程体系构建与实践";浙江工业大学研究生教学改革重点项目"积极心理学视角下的高校研究生心理育人工作机制发展探究"(2023211) |
作者 | 单位 | 姚裕萍 | 浙江工业大学 党委研究生工作部, 杭州 310014 |
摘要点击次数: 240 |
全文下载次数: 254 |
中文摘要: |
研究生导师是研究生培养的第一责任人,承担着心理育人的重要职责,是预防、干预研究生心理危机和促进研究生心理发展不可或缺的力量。研究生导师心理育人具有特殊而重要的价值意蕴,是贯彻落实党和政府"培育时代新人"的战略要求、积极推进研究生教育高质量发展的现实需求、扎实推进研究生导师立德树人的重要路径和对研究生导师心理育人政策指向的遵循和深化。在研究生导师心理育人工作中,存在心理育人制度阙如、心理育人意识缺失、心理育人资源缺位等实践困境。为有效突破这些困境,高校亟须创新优化研究生导师心理育人的政策环境、持续提升研究生导师心理育人的主体意识和能力、切实强化研究生导师心理育人的资源保障。 |
英文摘要: |
As the first person responsible for postgraduate training, the postgraduate supervisor bears an important responsibility for postgraduate psychological education, and serves as a member of the indispensable force to prevent and intervene in postgraduate psychological crisis and to facilitate the psychological growth of postgraduates. With specific and important value implications, psychological education by postgraduate supervisors is strategically necessary for the implementation of the Party and government's policy on cultivating a new generation in the new era, and realistically necessary for actively promoting the high-quality development of postgraduate education. It is also an important way to promote the moral education by postgraduate supervisors, and the embodiment of the action following the guiding principle of the policy on postgraduate psychological education by supervisors. However, there are some practical difficulties in the work of psychological training for supervisors, such as the lack of a system for such training, the deficient awareness of supervisors in this regard and the limited availability of resources for this purpose. Therefore, this paper suggests that in order to effectively address these challenges, universities need to improve and optimize the policy environment for supervisors to conduct psychological education, continuously enhance the psychological education awareness and ability of supervisors, and practically ensure adequate resources allocation. |
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