A Narrative Study on “Growing up in Society” of Female Engineering Doctoral Students from the Perspective of Social Mutual Construction
中文关键词: 工科女博士;社会性成人;社会互构;叙事研究
英文关键词: female engineering PhD students;growing up in society;social mutual-construction;narrative research
尚宇菲 江苏大学 教师教育学院, 江苏 镇江 212013
全国妇联妇女/性别研究与培训基地(南京师范大学), 南京 210097 
摘要点击次数: 244
全文下载次数: 308
      The socialization of doctoral students is a representative perspective for understanding doctoral education and a starting point for improving the doctoral education quality. Using the example of female engineering doctoral students, and drawing on gender theory and the theory of social mutual construction, the author develops an analytical framework of growing up in society for female engineering doctoral students and uses narrative research methods to explore their experiences of doctoral education. The research finds that female engineering doctoral students achieve growing up in society in two dimensions: professional socialization and gender socialization, and at three levels: knowledge, social identity, and emotion. This is the result of the opposing simultaneous changes of female and social environment. The experience of doctoral training has the function of reinforcing or reconstructing order, which has both positive and negative effects on female engineering doctoral students in their growing up in society. As a result, female doctoral students experience"double constraint"and self-conflict under the influence of the professional order and the gender order. The process and characteristics of growing up in society of female engineering doctoral students reflect the confusion and contradiction of human beings through the experience of female students in the process of modernization. Therefore, the author suggests that gender perspectives should be integrated into disciplinary academic research in doctoral education, that gender considerations should be maintained in educational practice, and that female engineering doctoral students should be guided and supported in their growing up in society.
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