An Empirical Study on the Influence of Institutional Support on Doctoral Research Ability——Analysis based on Data from the Nature's 2022 Global Postgraduate Survey
中文关键词: 院校支持;科研能力;链式中介模型;科研压力;学术经历满意度
英文关键词: institutional support;scientific research ability;chain mediation model;scientific research pressure;academic experience satisfaction
任增元 吉林大学 高等教育研究所, 长春 130012 
韩思雯 渤海大学 教育科学学院, 辽宁 锦州 121013 
翟睿轩 渤海大学 教育科学学院, 辽宁 锦州 121013 
摘要点击次数: 500
全文下载次数: 482
      博士生教育作为高校学历教育的最高层次,其培养质量对一国科技竞争力的提升至关重要。基于2022年Nature全球研究生调查数据,将博士生院校支持划分为组织支持和导师支持,具体包括组织经济支持、组织学术支持、组织情感支持、导师支持四个维度。借助AMOS 24.0软件,构建博士生院校支持、科研压力、学术经历满意度、科研能力之间作用机制的多重链式中介模型。结果表明:院校支持各维度均能显著预测博士生科研能力,经济支持维度存在负向预测作用;四个维度均能通过学术经历满意度显著预测科研能力,组织经济支持维度存在"遮掩效应";科研压力和学术经历满意度在组织情感支持、导师支持与科研能力之间起链式中介作用。为此,高校应重视导师在博士生培养过程中的关键作用,将促进学术成长作为组织工具性支持的重要目标向度,及时提供满足博士生实际需求的组织情感支持,以提高博士生的科研能力。
      Doctoral education is the highest level of academic training in universities, and its quality is crucial to improving a country's scientific and technological competitiveness. Based on data from the Nature's 2022 Global Postgraduate Survey, the authors categorize the support provided by schools to doctoral students in organizational support and supervisors' support, including organizational financial support, organizational academic support, organizational emotional support and supervisors'support in four dimensions. By virtue of the AMOS 24.0 software, they build a multi-chain mediation model to demonstrate the interaction mechanism between school support, scientific research pressure, academic experience satisfaction and scientific research ability. The results show that each dimension of school support can significantly predict doctoral research ability, while the economic support dimension has a negative predictive effect. All the four dimensions can significantly predict the scientific research ability of doctoral students through academic experience satisfaction, while the dimension of organizational economic support has a "masking effect". Scientific research pressure and academic experience satisfaction play a chain mediating role between organizational emotional support, supervisors' support and scientific research ability. Therefore, it is proposed that higher-learning institutions should emphasize the key role of supervisors in the doctoral training process and consider the promotion of academic growth as an important goal of organizational instrumental support, and provide timely organizational emotional support to meet the real needs of doctoral students, so as to ultimately improve the scientific research ability of doctoral students.
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