The Influence Mechanism and Development Path of Doctoral Grads’ Employability
中文关键词: 博士毕业生;就业能力;人力资本;影响机理;路径分析
英文关键词: PhD grad;employability;human capital;influence mechanism;path analysis
陈纯槿 华东师范大学 教育学部, 上海 200062 
郅庭瑾 华东师范大学 教育学部, 上海 200062 
摘要点击次数: 646
全文下载次数: 989
      To promote high-quality and full employment of doctoral grads, we should urgently train and improve the employability of doctoral students. Now, commanding an insight into the mechanism of the implicit influence of doctoral employability has become the key to deal with the employment dilemma of doctoral grads. Based on the data from two surveys on Chinese doctoral students in 2022 and 2019, this study finds that the employability of doctoral grads is closely related to the high-level human capital developed in postgraduate education, with the capital being transformed into portable "hard currency". The high-quality curriculum support provided by training units and the internal social capital have positive catalytic effect on the employability of doctoral grads. Compared with external social networks, the influential effect of internal social capital is more significant. The path analysis shows that all the degree course support, organizational psychological support and supervisor’s career support have a positive regulating function in the range between internal social capital and the employability of doctoral students. The implication of the above findings to policy making is we should build a high-quality doctoral training system that is compatible with lifelong career development, improve the degree curriculum and the organizational psychological support system, strengthen the co-education of academic ability and general ability, and provide diversified path choices for ensuring high-quality and full employment of doctoral grads.
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