A Study of the Influence of Student Human Capital and University Social Capital on the Starting Salary of Professional Masters in Employment
中文关键词: 专业硕士;学生人力资本;高校社会资本
英文关键词: professional master;student human capital;university social capital
刘润泽 河北师范大学 法政与公共管理学院, 石家庄 050024 
马永红 北京航空航天大学 公共管理学院, 北京 100191 
张晓会 北京航空航天大学 公共管理学院, 北京 100191 
张乐 北京服装学院 研究生院, 北京 100029 
摘要点击次数: 549
全文下载次数: 847
      Employment is people’s biggest wellbeing, and high-quality and full employment of postgraduates is a key task of education reform. Through a sample survey on 5 151 full-time professional master’s degree students graduated from 69 universities and with a multi-layer linear regression analysis, this paper examines the mechanism of how student human capital and university social capital influence the starting salary of professional master’s degree grads in employment. At the individual level, explicit human capital (acquired from learning) and implicit human capital (the practical innovation ability) are still important factors in deciding the starting salary of the grads in employment; at the higher-learning institution level, the participation of cooperative partners in training and the trust from authoritative bodies are obviously in deciding the starting salary of the grads in employment in a positive manner. Simultaneously, the participation of cooperative partners and the trust from authorities plays a significant regulating role in the process of deciding the starting salary of the grads in employment respectively in terms of implicit human capital and explicit human capital. Based on the study, this paper proposes that universities should cultivate students’ human capital and shape their consciousness of practice participation; deepen the sustainable mechanism reform of industry-education integration, and encourage cooperative partners to deepen their involvement in training, so as to achieve a "1+1>2" effect in deep cooperation; weaken the negative influence brought about from the level of higher-learning institutions, provide targeted employment guidance, and escalate comprehensive competitiveness of the grads in labor market.
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