Classified Development of Postgraduate Education: What, Why and How
中文关键词: 研究生教育;分类发展;学术型学位;专业型学位;逻辑
英文关键词: postgraduate education;classification development;academic degree;professional degree;logic
张小花 中国人民大学 教育学院, 北京 100872 
马焕灵 广西师范大学 教育学部, 广西 桂林 541000 
摘要点击次数: 584
全文下载次数: 749
      The classified development of postgraduate education focuses on answering the three questions:what, why and how. In essence, the classified development of postgraduate education follows three logical dimensions:knowledge, institution, and organization. Specifically, the classified development of postgraduate education takes knowledge production, classification and evolution as the theoretical origin, the regulatory factors represented by laws and regulations related to education, and the normative factors such as postgraduate education policies promulgated by the central and local governments as the supporting tools, and the practice community of multiple players such as those from government, universities, market and society as the driving force. The classified development of postgraduate education is related to the construction of the country into a modernized power with Chinese characteristics, and the realization of the goals of high-quality economic, social, and postgraduate education development, which is of great strategic, functional and noumenal value. In the future, we should establish a practice approach in the three dimensions of value consensus, tool empowerment, and institutional guarantee to promote the classified development of postgraduate education, with the focus on clarifying the functional orientation to form a promotion mechanism, and establish a management institution for the classified development of postgraduate education.
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