On How Postgraduate Education Empowers New Quality Productivity Related to Core Factors, Realistic Situation and Practice Path
中文关键词: 新质生产力;研究生教育;拔尖创新人才
英文关键词: new quality productivity;postgraduate education;top-notch innovative talent
倪晓玉 南京信息工程大学 研究生院/党委研究生工作部, 南京 210044 
袁敏 南京信息工程大学 研究生院/党委研究生工作部, 南京 210044 
孙师丹 中国科学技术大学 少年班学院, 合肥 230026 
摘要点击次数: 989
全文下载次数: 1361
      New quality productivity is led by scientific and technological innovation, carried by emerging strategic industries and future industries, and supported by high-level innovative talent. Therefore, it is in an advanced productivity quality state that conforms to the new development concept. Postgraduate education has natural advantages in enabling new quality productivity: first, it trains top-notch innovative personnel and creates talent factors for the development of new quality productivity; second, it accelerates sci-tech innovation and forges sci-tech factors for the development of new quality productivity; third, it integrates the development of modern industries and recreates industrial factors for the development of new quality productivity. With the acceleration of the new round of sci-tech revolution and industrial reform, the postgraduate education faces such existing challenges as those of transforming the postgraduate education concept that is urgently needed, improving the quality of postgraduate training and self-cultivating top-notch innovative personnel. Thus, the authors put forward proposals in four aspects to deal with the challenges: strengthen concept innovation and set up an education concept for simultaneous development of education, science and technology, and talented people; follow the demand guidance and promote classified training of high-level, top-notch innovative professionals; resort to collaborative innovation and establish an education mechanism featuring collaboration among the forces in science and technology, production and education; implement open school running so as to further enhance the internationalization degree of postgraduate education.
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