专业博士专业社会化:科学内涵、影响因素与实现路径 |
Social Demand-oriented Professional Doctoral Students: Scientific Connotation, Influencing Factors and Realization Path |
投稿时间:2022-06-06 |
DOI:10.19834/j.cnki.yjsjy2011.2023.02.10 |
中文关键词: 专业博士;专业社会化;内涵;影响因素;实现路径 |
英文关键词: professional doctoral student;social demand-oriented professionals;connotation;influencing factor;realization path |
基金项目:教育部哲学社会科学研究重大课题攻关项目"毕业生就业率、就业质量、职业发展与高等教育事业发展研究"(15JZD043);国家社会科学基金"十三五"规划2020年度教育学一般课题"类型教育视野下我国高层次应用型人才培养模式变革研究"(BJA200106) |
作者 | 单位 | 柯婧秋 | 天津大学 教育学院, 天津 300350 | 闫广芬 | 天津大学 教育学院, 天津 300350 |
摘要点击次数: 1750 |
全文下载次数: 2978 |
中文摘要: |
加快发展专业博士学位研究生教育是国家政策之导向,是全球研究生教育发展之趋势。然而规模扩张后的培养质量并不尽如人意,高延期率、弱科研能力、低学术认同感等问题需要学界对培养过程中更加微观具体的现实问题进行深入剖析。构建本土化专业博士专业社会化理论模型可以为此提供新的研究视角和工具。专业博士专业社会化是角色获得、专业发展与职业认同的过程,包括过渡期、博士候选人资格获得期、博士论文完成期三个阶段。每个阶段都受到来自组织文化、关系网络、个人素养不同因素不同程度的影响。为完善培养模式,提高培养质量,需差异设计制度,注重过程因素;强化导师责任,促进双向互动;改革评价体系,契合培养目标;优化外部环境,加强情感支持。 |
英文摘要: |
Accelerating the development of professional doctoral degree education is in conformity with the guidance of the national policy and the development trend of global postgraduate education. However, after the scale expansion, the education quality is not so satisfactory. The problems such as high delayed advancement rate, weak scientific research ability and low academic identity need the academic community to address; particularly the academic community needs to deeply analyze practical problems more micro and specific in the education process. The authors believe that the construction of a local theoretical model for social demand-oriented professionals specialized for doctoral students can provide new research perspectives and tools. Professional doctoral students should be trained according to social demand, which is a process for doctoral students to acquire role identity, develop their academic careers and obtain professional acknowledgement. The process includes three stages:the transition period, the doctoral candidate qualification period and the doctoral dissertation completion period. In each stage, the doctoral students are influenced to different degrees by different factors such as organizational culture, relationship network and personal quality. This paper suggests that in order to improve the educational mode and enhance the quality of training, we need to make a differentiated design system, during which we should pay attention to the process factors; specifically, we should strengthen the responsibility awareness of supervisors and promote two-way interaction; reform the evaluation system to meet the training objectives; and optimize the external environment and strengthen emotional support. |
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