一流学科建设的知识本性与制度理性 |
On the Nature of Knowledge and Institutional Rationality of First-Class Discipline Construction |
投稿时间:2021-11-25 |
DOI:10.19834/j.cnki.yjsjy2011.2022.06.03 |
中文关键词: 一流学科;知识本性;制度理性;权力规训 |
英文关键词: first-class discipline;the nature of knowledge;institutional rationality;power discipline |
基金项目:国家社会科学基金教育学青年项目"新时代学科治理现代化的要义证成与实现机制研究"(CIA210269) |
作者 | 单位 | 陈亮 | 陕西师范大学 教育学部/陕西教师发展研究院, 西安 710062 |
摘要点击次数: 1091 |
全文下载次数: 4098 |
中文摘要: |
学科知识与学科制度是相伴相生的,知识的创造性生产是一流学科制度建设的关键,注重学科成长的知识本性与制度理性,凸显学科知识的创造价值和学科制度的开放包容是国家建设一流学科的旨意。然而,"自上而下"的知识规训,使得权力超越制度的规约,与知识交错,违背知识的规定本性、反思本性和社会本性。学科制度对学科知识的"不意识"让一流学科本真缺失,钳制了学科知识从"自在"走向"自为",给学者、学术组织以及学术文化的健康成长增添屏障。因此,学科制度建设更应推动学科在辩证自新的知识理性下实现发展与突破,彰显学科知识内在的演化逻辑。在创新批判中凝结学术组织的争鸣品性,以人的发展观照学术治理的人本品性,以跨界共生回归学术交往的整全品性将成为一流学科制度建设的必由之路。 |
英文摘要: |
The coexisting discipline knowledge and discipline system are in a community of shared destiny and the creative generation of knowledge is the key to the development of a first-class discipline system. To highlight the creation value of discipline knowledge and the opening inclusiveness of discipline system by laying emphasis on the nature of knowledge and institutional rationality during the development of discipline is the fundamental aim of China to develop its first-class disciplines. However, as the knowledge discipline is implemented in a top-down manner, the power is at a superior level over the rules of the system. The upper authority intermingles with knowledge and violates the prescriptive, reflective and social nature of knowledge. The "unconsciousness" of the discipline system to the discipline knowledge makes the first-class discipline loss its true nature, inhibits the discipline knowledge from "natural development" to "guided development", and thus adds barriers to the healthy growth of scholars, academic organizations and academic culture. Therefore, the author suggests that the construction of a discipline system should promote its development and breakthrough under the system of knowledge rationality featuring dialectical self-renewing, and we should underscore the internal evolution logic of discipline knowledge. The author believes that the only way to build a first-class discipline system is to foster the argumentative character of an academic organization in innovative criticism, observe the people-oriented character of the academic governance with reference to the development of people, and return to the integrity of academic communication with trans-boundary symbiosis. |
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