Stress and Relief at the Highest Level of Learning Institutions: How Can We Promote Psychological Help among Doctoral Students?——An Empirical Analysis based on the Nature PhD Student Survey 2019
中文关键词: 博士生;心理健康;心理求助;导学关系;学校支持
英文关键词: doctoral student;mental health;seek psychological help;supervisor-postgraduate relationship;university support
张娟 清华大学 教育研究院, 北京 100084 
赵祥辉 厦门大学 教育研究院, 福建 厦门 361005 
摘要点击次数: 1598
全文下载次数: 4734
      At present, doctoral students at higher-learning institutions are facing different degrees of mental health crisis. However, the research on the stress on and relief for doctoral students mainly focuses on the influencing factors of mental health, but lacks attention to psychological help-seeking behavior. Based on the data from the Nature PhD Student Survey 2019 (n=6512), this study explores the status quo of doctoral students in psychological help seeking and the influencing factors in three aspects of individual characteristics, interpersonal relations and university support. The findings are as follows:first, the overall psychological help-seeking rate of doctoral students is not high and the current situation is not optimistic; Second, doctoral students' help-seeking behaviors have differences in personal characteristics. Specifically, male, non-Chinese native doctoral students, international students and students who have child caring responsibilities tend to be the "the silent" of seeking help; third, vulnerable groups in interpersonal relationships, such as students who suffer from unbalanced supervisor-student relationship, bullying and discrimination, have greater demands for psychological help; fourth, university supports for doctoral students' mental health and the effects of the support should be strengthened. Based on the result of the study, the authors think the training entities should create an overall atmosphere for psychological support, carry out targeted psychological counseling, build a healthy interpersonal mental health support network, and improve the training support system so as to provide an institutional space for doctoral students to relieve their psychological stress.
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