Can Postponed Doctoral Graduation Harm Their Long-Term Academic Productivity in Double First-Class Universities?
中文关键词: 博士延期毕业;学术生产力;高校教师;"双一流"高校
英文关键词: postponed doctoral student graduation;academic productivity;faculty;double first-class universities
张冰冰 西北大学 公共管理学院, 西安 710069 
姚聪莉 西北大学 公共管理学院, 西安 710069 
张雪儿 西北大学 公共管理学院, 西安 710069 
摘要点击次数: 972
全文下载次数: 3898
      Based on the PSM-OLS estimation, this paper empirically evaluates the impact of the postponed doctoral graduation experienced by the faculty members of double first-class universities on their long-term academic productivity. The study finds that the teachers who have experienced postponed graduation are disadvantageous when it comes to their publication both domestically and internationally, i.e. 25% and 10% less respectively, which means the postponed graduation affects their long-term academic productivity. The result can be explained by the cumulative advantage effect. There is obvious heterogeneity, which is more obvious in the middle of the academic career, in the fiercely competitive academic environment, and at the stage of intensive development of higher learning education. Meanwhile, the root reason of the influence is not the inferior academic ability of those who have experienced postponed graduation, but the disadvantages in time lag, employment location, and the weak psychological characteristics brought about by the postponed graduation, which, comparatively, result in apparent overlapped advantages for those who graduated normally in the early stage and which can become multiplied advantages in the quantitative-oriented academic evaluation. Therefore, the academic output of those from postponed graduation is obviously behind those from normal graduation. Based on the above analysis, the authors call for promotion of flexible control over the study duration of doctoral students, implementation of the quality-oriented academic evaluation, and development of a first-class training system-a system that shifts its focus from on training first-class doctors to on cultivating first-class scholars.
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