Big Data-based Analysis of Monitoring and Warning on Study Duration Doctoral Students Spent for PhD Degree
中文关键词: 博士学位;攻读年限;离群监测;监测预警模型;培养质量
英文关键词: doctorate;study duration;outlier-based monitoring;monitoring and warning model;training quality
李珍艳 西安交通大学 中国西部高等教育评估中心, 西安 710049 
陆根书 西安交通大学 中国西部高等教育评估中心, 西安 710049 
高玉建 教育部学位与研究生教育发展中心, 北京 100083 
向体燕 教育部学位与研究生教育发展中心, 北京 100083 
摘要点击次数: 1668
全文下载次数: 3719
      Based on the big data of the doctoral degrees conferred at Chinese universities in the 2008-2017 academic years, this paper analyzes the basic characteristics of the study duration doctoral students in different degree categories, types of study, and discipline backgrounds spent for obtaining degrees and the overall situation in this regard at different universities. With the outlier-based monitoring method, a monitoring and warning model for units authorized to confer academic degrees is constructed based on the information of the average study duration used by doctoral students in pursuing degrees. Subsequently, the units authorized to confer academic degrees showing abnormal study duration for degree pursuing are chosen to be under monitoring and warning, which provides reference for comparison and analysis of the cultivation quality and efficiency of doctoral students in different units authorized to confer academic degrees and reference for the monitoring and warning of the doctoral student training period. This study shows that in recent 10 years, the median of the study duration for doctoral students pursuing academic degrees in China is 3.75 years. The highest proportion of disciplines in the total number of disciplines in the warning list selected by the outlier-based monitoring system is from the universities not listed to be constructed into first-class universities, in following is from the universities with first-class disciplines under constructions, and the lowest is from the first-class universities under construction. In addition, the percentage of the disciplines warned in the total disciplines at universities not to be constructed into first-class ones is higher than that of the first-class disciplines under construction. On this basis, the authors put forward some policy proposals to further improve the quality of doctoral training, optimize the average study duration for doctoral students to pursue academic degrees, and improve the efficiency of talent cultivation.
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