Characteristics of Academic Career Interest Changes of Science and Engineering Doctoral Students before & after Admission and Educational Countermeasures
中文关键词: 博士生;学术职业;学术志趣;逃离科研
英文关键词: doctoral students;academic career;academic interest;escaping from research
邝宏达 北京理工大学 人文与社会科学学院, 北京 100081 
李林英 北京理工大学 马克思主义学院, 北京 100081 
摘要点击次数: 1903
全文下载次数: 5046
      An analysis based on the survey data of 472 science and engineering doctoral students and interviews with 10 PhDs finds that the proportion of the students who keep their academic career interest unchanged before and after matriculation is 64.8 percent, the proportion (9.1 percent) of those who resume academic research interest is larger than that (7.6 percent) of those who escape from research work. With reference to the group keeping academic career interest unchanged, the three factors, i.e. parents' educational level, research team size and research training environment are significant in predicting the occurrence rate of the students who may resume sci-tech research, while the three factors, i.e. the way of study for a doctorate, the academic role recognition, and the research team size are significant in predicting the occurrence rate of the students who may escape from sci-tech research. In order to enhance the academic career interest of the science and engineering doctoral students and attract them to keep academic work as their career, the authors suggest to improve the work from five aspects:optimizing the way of doctoral students' enrollment, strengthening the screening of academic interest before admission, rationalizing research team size, improving research training environment, and promoting academic role recognition.
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