Analysis of the Curriculum Design Standards for First-tier Disciplines in the Interdisciplinary Category: with Discussions on the Feasibility of Establishing an “Intellectual Property” Interdiscipline
中文关键词: 交叉学科门类;一级学科;设置标准;知识产权
英文关键词: interdisciplinary category;first-tier discipline;discipline standards;intellectual property
崔育宝 中国科学技术大学 公共事务学院, 合肥 230026 
许斌丰 中国科学技术大学 公共事务学院, 合肥 230026 
陈伟 中国科学技术大学 公共事务学院, 合肥 230026 
摘要点击次数: 1294
全文下载次数: 3322
      Under the national discipline system with first-tier disciplines as the core, the development of interdisciplines has been facing an embarrassing dilemma of "low status" and can hardly be upgraded for a long time. The introduction of interdisciplinary category affords an opportunity for interdisciplines to be upgraded to the first tier and listed in the national discipline catalog so that they can play a better role in developing high-quality education. After full consideration of the discussions on the interdiscipline evaluation criteria, the experience of the United States in interdiscipline arrangement, and the standards for setting up first-tier disciplines from "The Establishment of Discipline Catalogue and Management Measures for Degree Awarding and Talent Cultivation", the authors believe the introduction of a discipline into the first-tier interdisciplinary category should follow the discipline arrangement standards, i.e. to be guided by the social needs, based on in-depth interdisciplinary activities, and guaranteed by the improvement of social institution with the aim to serve the development of the discipline and meet the needs of the society. Finally, taking "intellectual property" as an example, the authors discuss the practicability of listing it as a first-tier discipline under the interdisciplinary category.
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