潜心立德树人 执着攻关创新——中国科大免疫学研究生教学团队的探索与实践
Devoting Themselves to Fostering Virtue through Education and Persisting in Innovating and Tackling Key Problems: Exploration and practice of the USTC teaching team for postgraduates in immunology
中文关键词: 硕博连读研究生;素质培养;精英教育
英文关键词: students in master-doctoral program;ability cultivation;elite education
田志刚 中国科学技术大学 生命科学与医学部, 合肥 230027 
孙汭 中国科学技术大学 生命科学与医学部, 合肥 230027 
魏海明 中国科学技术大学 生命科学与医学部, 合肥 230027 
摘要点击次数: 1501
全文下载次数: 3561
      The scientific research ability cultivation for postgraduates is the core task of the postgraduate education. Over the past nearly 20 years of practice, the immunology teaching team of the University of Science and Technology of China has persisted in integrating teaching and scientific research closely while attaching great importance to moral education. Taking basic education as the foundation, scientific research integrity cultivation as the benchmark, and innovation-driven as the leading principle, the team carries the scientific research ability cultivation for postgraduates throughout the whole process management of scientific research practice. In this way, the team has not only cultivated a number of immunologists with great innovative ability for the forward-advancing development of immunology in China, but also fostered the formation of a national innovative research group and the establishment of an international immunology research high ground with Chinese characteristics.
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