Preliminary Analysis of the Postgraduate Education Quality Assessment for First-class Talent Cultivation: A study on the indicator system based on the AHP and FCE
中文关键词: 研究生教育;质量评价;指标体系;层次分析法;模糊综合评判
英文关键词: postgraduate education;quality assessment;indicator system;analytic hierarchy process (AHP);fuzzy comprehensive evaluation (FCE)
张东明 同济大学 地下建筑与工程系, 上海 200092 
李亚东 同济大学 教学质量管理办公室, 上海 200092 
黄宏伟 同济大学 地下建筑与工程系, 上海 200092
同济大学 研究生院, 上海 200092 
摘要点击次数: 3934
全文下载次数: 12160
      The postgraduate education in China plays a high-end leading and strategic supporting role in the "double first-class" construction. To enhance the quality of postgraduate education, we must strengthen the construction of a quality assurance system for the postgraduate cultivation, and the building of a postgraduate education quality assessment system is an important part thereof. Therefore, the authors propose some basic principles and value orientations for the postgraduate education quality assessment and introduce a comprehensive postgraduate education assessment scheme designed by the authors featuring four primary indicators, 13 secondary indicators and 91 tertiary indicators, covering student development, teaching faculty, university conditions, and the satisfaction of the interest-involved parties. Based on the scheme, the authors use the Delphi Method to comprehensively evaluate the importance of the 91 tertiary indicators according to the scale of 0 to 5, and use the analytic hierarchy process (AHP) to detect the weight of the indicators at all three levels. At the same time, they use the fuzzy comprehensive evaluation (FCE) method to detect, analyze and judge the 13 secondary indicators and four primary indicators. And finally, they introduce a complete set of comprehensive indicator system for assessing the postgraduate education quality, which can be used as a tool or reference for scientific assessment of the quality of postgraduate education oriented to the cultivation of first-class talent.
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