Research on Professional Socialization Stage, Barriers and Deconstruction Strategies of Deferred Doctoral Students
中文关键词: 博士生教育;延期毕业;专业社会化阶段;学业障碍
英文关键词: doctoral education;deferred graduation;professional socialization stage;academic obstacles
杨青 上海大学 高等教育研究所, 上海 200444 
唐玉光 华东师范大学 高等教育研究所, 上海 200021 
摘要点击次数: 156
全文下载次数: 133
      The course of doctoral research is full of difficulties with implicit risks of failure, so it is also referred to as "a reckless academic gamble". Among the doctoral students, the group of deferred doctoral students is very representative. In order to find out why some doctoral students are deferred, this paper conducts an investigation into the academic experiences of deferred doctoral students from the perspective of professional socialization. The research finds that, according to the order of academic obstacles, doctoral students usually face successively structural adjustment difficulties, relationship adaptation obstacles, academic responsibility imbalance, sharp academic funding reduction and anxiety worsening. When doctoral students encounter academic obstacles, "the subjective initiative" and "the relational bond with scientific research as the axis" constitute a self-rescue strategy, but the action space is extremely limited. In this regard, the authors suggests that universities should intervene from three aspects: academic resources, institutional norms, and humanistic care. Specifically, first, integrate academic resources of the schools and departments of the university to support the study and research of doctoral students; second, sincerely implement the triage and elimination mechanism and establish a fault-tolerant mechanism for cultivating doctoral students; and third, pay attention to the psychological health education of doctoral students and guide them to dispel negative emotions in a categorized and targeted way.
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