Organized Scientific Research at Higher-Learning Institutions: Formation Factors, Implementation Difficulties, Paths and Counter-measures
中文关键词: 有组织科研;高校;行业特色高校
英文关键词: organized scientific research;higher-learning institutes;universities with industrial features
胡兵 华东理工大学, 上海 200237 
甘晖 陕西省社会科学界联合会, 西安 710068 
摘要点击次数: 568
全文下载次数: 0
      Organized scientific research has become the key task for universities to further promote the double first-class construction and give full play to the five basic functions. To strengthen organized scientific research, colleges and universities must fully understand its forming factors and scientifically know its function orientation. From the practice of international and domestic universities in promoting organized scientific research, we can see that some experience has been accumulated that can be used as reference and some common features have been formed. However, there are still some practical difficulties, such as the mission-oriented values have not been fully accepted, some obstacles exist in the present scientific research management mechanism, and the evaluation system has not yet been formed. There are great differences in different types of universities in pushing forward organized scientific research. When it comes to industry-featured universities, the authors suggest that we should strengthen the strategic planning for organized scientific research, and identify the main task to be worked on; improve the operation mechanism for organized scientific research, and carry out disruptive reforms; promote the construction of an interdisciplinary system, and consolidate the advantages of disciplines; optimize the distribution of scientific research resources, and concentrate advantageous resources; highlight the leading position of strategically important scientists, and cultivate innovative professionals; and reconstruct the scientific research achievement evaluation system, and get rid of malignant competition.
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