Challenges of Strengthening National Identity Education and Coping Strategies for Postgraduates from Hong Kong, Macao and Taiwan under the New Situation: With Jinan University as an Example
中文关键词: 港澳台研究生;研究生教育;国家认同感;中国式现代化
英文关键词: graduate students from Hong Kong, Macao and Taiwan regions;postgraduate education;national identity;Chinese-style modernization
贺璞 暨南大学 研究生院, 广州 510632 
马民 暨南大学 研究生院, 广州 510632 
李朋军 暨南大学 研究生院, 广州 510632 
摘要点击次数: 530
全文下载次数: 842
      National identity is the key to integrating Hong Kong, Macao, and Taiwan into the overall development of the country. Strengthening national identity education to postgraduates from Hong Kong, Macao and Taiwan in the process of Chinese-style modernization is an important manifestation of Xi Jinping Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era in the field of education, and is also the demand in modern time for promoting the integration of Hong Kong, Macao and Taiwan into the overall development of the country. Under the new situation, the national identity education to postgraduates from Hong Kong, Macao and Taiwan faces certain pressures and challenges. Based on the practical experience from the education to postgraduates from Hong Kong, Macao and Taiwan at Jinan University, the authors try to construct a national identity education practice model featuring "one core, two wings and dual transformations", with the patriotic education as the core to enhance national identity, strengthen the development of traditional Chinese culture courses and the exchanges of multi-dimensional culture, and promote the dual transformations of talent training evaluation system and training mode. All these are believed to be conducive across the board to enhancing the national identity, national pride and cultural self-confidence of postgraduates from Hong Kong, Macao, and Taiwan.
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