Why Do Postgraduates Choose Knowledge Hiding: An Exploratory Analysis based on the Grounded Theory
中文关键词: 研究生;知识隐藏;知识共享;影响因素;扎根理论
英文关键词: postgraduate;knowledge hiding;knowledge sharing;influencing factor;grounded theory
叶晓力 厦门大学 教育研究院, 福建 厦门 361001
安徽大学 高等教育研究所, 合肥 230039 
夏玲丽 安徽大学 高等教育研究所, 合肥 230039 
蔡敬民 安徽大学 高等教育研究所, 合肥 230039 
摘要点击次数: 1184
全文下载次数: 1490
      Although it is an individual knowledge management strategy, knowledge hiding is considered as a destructive knowledge behavior. The knowledge hiding among postgraduates blocks the production and circulation of academic knowledge during the postgraduate cultivation and has a negative effect on both individual innovation and organizational development. Based on the grounded theory, this study systematically analyzes the factors that influence the knowledge hiding behavior among postgraduates and constructs a theoretical model of the influencing factors of the knowledge hiding behavior. It is found that individual factors, knowledge characteristics, cultivation environment, key other persons and potential risks are the main factors influencing postgraduates’ knowledge hiding. Based on the model interpretation, this paper suggests that the following aspects should be explored for weakening the knowledge hiding behavior of postgraduates: the cultivation of knowledge management ability that may enhance the knowledge sharing ability of postgraduates; the definition of the emotional and trust mechanism that may stimulate the knowledge sharing willingness of postgraduates; the culture creation for collaborative education that may reshape the institutional environment for postgraduate education, and the development of a knowledge-sharing platform that may lead to the establishment of a cooperative community of postgraduates.
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