How General Education and Professional Education Co-exist and Interactively Integrate?——A Comparative Analysis of the Multi-level, Classified, and Combined Paths in the USA
中文关键词: 通识教育;专业教育;分层定位;系统集成;美国
英文关键词: general education;professional education;hierarchical positioning;systematic integration;the USA
张炜 西北工业大学 高等教育研究所, 西安 710072 
刘怡 西北工业大学 高等教育研究所, 西安 710072 
摘要点击次数: 517
全文下载次数: 570
      The scale expansion and the function enrichment of higher education have promoted the hierarchical positioning of higher-learning institutions, resulting in different school-running modes and curricula. The education for the purpose of further studies focuses mainly on general education while that for employment focuses mainly on professional education. These phenomena lead to significant differences between general education and professional education at the stages of basic education, undergraduate education, and postgraduate education in the United States of America. Based on the study, the authors propose that in order to improve high-quality development of higher education, we should adhere to the system integration of general education and professional education in the framework of quality-oriented education. With regard to the school-running orientation and characteristics of universities at different levels and in different types, different modes of integration and intersection should be adopted. Only in this way can we adjust school-running measures according to different conditions in a manner of integrity, innovation, and dialectical thinking, so that we can cultivate students into socialist builders and revolutionary successors with morality, intelligence, fitness, aesthetic appreciation and labor skills well developed in an all-round way.
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