The Status quo and the Strategies to Optimize the Training of Postgraduate Supervisors——Based on an Empirical Survey of Postgraduate Schools
中文关键词: 研究生培养;导师培训;实践探索;现状调查;优化策略
英文关键词: postgraduate cultivation;supervisor training;practical exploration;status quo investigation;optimized strategy
姚琳琳 浙江工业大学 教育科学与技术学院, 杭州 310023 
王哲 浙江工业大学 研究生院, 杭州 310023 
摘要点击次数: 463
全文下载次数: 752
      With the changes of the situation and environment at home and abroad, training postgraduate supervisors becomes practically urgent and necessary. Based on the documents on supervisor training systems in 54 postgraduate schools and the data from the interviews with 36 teachers in six double first-class universities, this study finds that the current systems and objectives for postgraduate supervisor training at domestic universities need to be clarified and specific, the personnel and training cycle need to be carefully arranged, the contents and methods need to be flexible and diverse, and the evaluation process and methods need to be rationally standardized. The reasons for promoting urgent and necessary trainings to supervisors are:inadequate attention by some universities, less willingness to train postgraduate supervisors, and lack of specialized training. Based on the outcomes, the authors propose some strategies to improve training quality for supervisors:improve the system and clarify training objectives; identify supervisors to be trained and optimize training mode, select better trainers and enrich training contents; classify evaluation for different groups and strengthen supervision over the training process, and appoint special people responsible for the training and develop an efficient support system.
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