Five Questions and Standard Procedures for Withdrawing Student Status of Postgraduates Who Failed in Scheduled Graduation
中文关键词: 研究生教育;学籍清退;学籍管理;受教育权;现代大学制度
英文关键词: postgraduate education;student status withdrawal;student status management;the right to education;modern university system
缪志心 华东政法大学 研究生院, 上海 200042 
摘要点击次数: 637
全文下载次数: 849
      The student status withdrawal of postgraduates who failed in scheduled graduation now appears in the public view. On the one hand, the withdrawal has the value implication of improving the quality and reducing the cost of postgraduate education, and giving the students diversified choices; on the other hand, the withdrawal essentially deprives the students of the opportunities to continue their current studies, to graduate finally, and to obtain a postgraduate degree. In addition, it also leaves room for disputes between universities and postgraduates. At present, there are some problems for the withdrawal, such as the authorization, legal basis, legal nature, proper execution and whether it is actionable. Therefore, the author proposes a standard path for withdrawal, that is, to revise the substantive legality of the withdrawal based on the principle of legal reservation, to strengthen the rationality of the withdrawal form based on the principle of due procedures, and to balance the legitimate rights and interests of postgraduates whose student status is to be withdrawn based on the modernization of education governance. The author believes that only in this way, can we achieve the goal of both safeguarding the right of postgraduates to education and promoting the high-quality development of postgraduate education.
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