Interdisciplinarity of Universities: Implication Analysis and Practical Approach for Advancement
中文关键词: 跨学科性;跨学科研究;跨学科教育;跨学科教学;理论与实践
英文关键词: interdisciplinarity;interdisciplinary research;interdisciplinary education;interdisciplinary teaching;theory and practice
焦磊 华南理工大学 高等教育研究所, 广州 510641 
杨琼 华南理工大学 教务处, 广州 510641 
摘要点击次数: 707
全文下载次数: 1048
      Nowadays, the theme of interdisciplinarity is a popular topic in policy making, practice, teaching and scientific research. The lack of theoretical study on interdisciplinarity fundamentally restricts the interdisciplinary development of universities in China. It is not easy to establish a concept of interdisciplinarity and put it into practice in the academic system that is so far dominated by disciplines. In the institutionalization process of interdisciplinarity, there is always a tension from disciplinarity. From opposition to mutual supplement and promotion, interdisciplinarity has changed gradually from an implicit structure to an explicit structure in universities. Interdisciplinarity is a reflexive ideology or idea responding to the fragmentation caused by the splitting of disciplines, and also a methodology and philosophy that guides the interaction between two or more disciplines for student training and scientific research. Interdisciplinarity can be divided into four levels: multi-disciplinarity, inter-disciplinarity, trans-disciplinarity and over-disciplinarity. These four levels constitute a progressive hierarchical structure. This paper believes that universities should systematically promote interdisciplinary education and provide organizational guarantee for the creation of interdisciplinary research, so that they can achieve an all-round and high-level interdisciplinary interaction.
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