Research on the Influence of Online Teaching Problems and Improvement on the Willingness of Postgraduates to Use It Continuously
中文关键词: 在线教学;研究生教育;持续使用意愿
英文关键词: online teaching;postgraduate education;continuous use willingness
李卫卫 西北工业大学 公共政策与管理学院, 西安 710072 
肖敏 西北工业大学 研究生院, 西安 710072
陕西省学位与研究生教育研究中心, 西安 710072 
张艳宁 西北工业大学 研究生院, 西安 710072 
宁昕 西北工业大学 研究生院, 西安 710072 
摘要点击次数: 839
全文下载次数: 1640
      Based on the empirical study of online teaching for postgraduates in a university, this paper analyzes the characteristics of postgraduates, the problems relating to teaching quality, and the perception problems of postgraduate students, and the influence of improvement of online teaching on the willingness of postgraduates to continue to use it. The results show that female postgraduates are more willing to continue using it than male postgraduates, doctoral students are more willing to continue using it than postgraduates, the online teaching quality and improvement have a significant positive impact on the willingness of postgraduates to continue to use it, the problems existing in perceived usefulness and self-perception have a negative impact on them, while perceived accessibility has no significant impact on them. In order to enhance the willingness of postgraduates to continuously use online teaching, the authors suggest that we should observe the growth law of postgraduates, establish a concept of "student-based" education, improve the attractiveness of teaching-learning interaction, and enrich the evaluation methods. The authors also suggest that we should enlarge the curriculum resources, improve the quality of online teaching, formulate incentive policies and systems, and pay more attention to emotional changes and ability construction of the postgraduates, so as to enhance their subject consciousness and improve their self-directed learning ability.
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