An Analysis of the Discipline Structure Changes and Adjustments in American Doctoral Education
中文关键词: 美国;博士生教育;研究领域;结构
英文关键词: United States;doctoral education;research field;structure
王文礼 江南大学 教育学院, 江苏 无锡 214122 
马陆亭 中国教育科学研究院, 北京 100088 
摘要点击次数: 842
全文下载次数: 1572
      From 1990 to 2020, the number of those with doctorates conferred in major research fields and their proportions among all those with doctorates conferred changed considerably in the United States. Among them, the number of those with doctorates conferred in life sciences, mathematics, computer science, and engineering increased fastest; the increase of the number of those with doctorates conferred in physical sciences and geoscience and the proportion among all those with doctorates conferred remained stable; although the number of those with doctorates conferred in psychology and social sciences, humanities and arts, and other areas of study increased slightly, the proportion decreased slightly; the number of those with doctorates conferred in pedagogy and the proportion decreased by a comparatively large margin. The adjustment mechanism behind the structural changes in the research field of doctoral education in the United States mainly includes the macro guidance of the government, the autonomous enrollment of universities, and the spontaneous adjustment of the market. At present, there is a phenomenon that the discipline structure for doctoral students does not match the needs of the society. Therefore, this paper suggests that China should develop a coordinated adjustment mechanism between government, universities and market, and universities should optimize the disciplinary structure of doctoral education in a timely manner according to the needs of the society, as well as to scientific and technological progress and industrial upgrading.
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