Analysis of Intra-Campus Appeal and Settlement Mechanism for Degree Conferring Dispute
中文关键词: 学位争议;校内申诉;实质性解决;机制
英文关键词: degree conferring dispute;intra-campus appeal;substantive settlement;mechanism
顾海波 东北大学 文法学院, 沈阳 110169 
李雪 中共沈阳市委党校, 沈阳 110036 
摘要点击次数: 1044
全文下载次数: 1243
      The intra-campus appeal and settlement mechanism for degree conferring disputes aims to protect the academic degree rights and interests of students, supervise the exercise of the university, and maintain a sound educational order. However, the present intra-campus appeal and settlement mechanism for degree conferring disputes in China cannot fully play its due role due to the lack of neutrality, narrow coverage, imperfect rules of procedure, and limited effectiveness of the exercise of the authority. The investigation into the intra-campus appeal and settlement mechanisms for degree conferring disputes in the United States, the Netherlands and the Taiwan region find that the coverage of their appeal and settlement mechanisms is wide and the procedural rules are detailed. The appeal handling body has a great deal of independence and the right to change or revoke the original decision made by functional departments in accordance with the principle of justice and fairness.Therefore, the authors suggest that when we formulate a law of academic degrees or improve the regulations for higher-learning institution, we should learn from good overseas experience. Specifically, the authors suggest that we adjust the degree conferring dispute appeal handling organization from the academic degree evaluation committee to an appeal handling committee, expand the coverage of the appeal and settlement mechanism, introduce hearing clauses and pay attention to the effectiveness of the exercise of the appeal handling authority. Furthermore, the authors suggest that we improve the intra-campus appeal and settlement mechanism and promote substantive settlement of degree conferring disputes within the university campus.
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