On Modeling of Elements Related to Ideological and Political Course Construction for Postgraduates and Empirical Analysis Thereof:A Mixed-methods Research Based on SECI Theory
中文关键词: 研究生课程思政;要素模型;SECI理论;混合研究
英文关键词: course-based ideological and political education for postgraduates;elements model;SECI theory;mixed-methods research
叶飞 华中师范大学 研究生院, 武汉 430079 
尹珺瑶 华中师范大学 教育学院, 武汉 430079 
田鹏 华中师范大学 教育学院, 武汉 430079 
摘要点击次数: 1068
全文下载次数: 1910
      The course-based ideological and political education is a strategic measure to implement the fundamental mission of moral education. Different targeted students and methods in teaching postgraduates lead to some specific features and nature, compared with undergraduate teaching, in the construction of the course-based ideological and political education for postgraduates. From the perspective of the SECI Theory, the authors use 30 model courses of ideological and political education developed independently in the Central China Normal University as research objects, adopt a mixed-methods research method using questionnaire data analysis and expert interviews, and integrate the relatively scattered and disordered elements into an element system and an element model. Then the authors carry out an empirical analysis with Monographic Study of Chinese History as the study object, which is a national ideological and political education model course for postgraduates. Furthermore, the authors put forward a "4-5-4-3" paradigm for the construction of the course-based ideological and political education for postgraduate, and provide reference for the construction in four aspects, namely, teaching teams, teaching content, teaching methods and the path for cultivating students in practical work.
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