On the Development Stages and the Characteristics of Doctoral Students' Academic Interest in R&D Project Teams
中文关键词: 重大科研项目团队;学术志趣;学术认同;学术职业;发展阶段
英文关键词: major R&D project team;academic interest;academic identity;academic profession;development stage
邝宏达 桂林电子科技大学 马克思主义学院, 广西 桂林 541004 
李林英 北京理工大学 马克思主义学院, 北京 100081 
摘要点击次数: 1132
全文下载次数: 1511
      The cultivation of academic interest is of great significance for the doctoral students in R&D project teams. Based on the Career Development Theory, the authors carry out retrospective interviews with 16 doctoral students from three R&D project teams of a "double first-class" university, and analyze the development stages and characteristics of academic interest with the qualitative analysis method. The research finds that academic interest can be divided into four stages:enlightenment stage, development stage, mature stage, and the stage after they started career. Each development stage has its own specific professional development and self-development missions. The coordination between the two missions promotes the development of academic interest and the doctoral students may leave the academic field if either one of the missions is impeded.The self-efficacy mechanism and the role identification mechanism are the intrinsic psychological mechanism of academic interest development. R&D project teams need to reasonably arrange academic training tasks according to the development stages of academic interest, improve academic self-efficacy, and promote students to identify their academic roles, so as to cultivate students' academic interest and guide excellent doctoral students to take academic studies as their ambitious career.
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