The Stickiness Effect of Doctoral Research Fund: Comparative Advantage or Ability Stratification?—A Case Study based on Humanities and Social Sciences
中文关键词: 博士生;科研资助;科研产出;粘性效应;反事实分析
英文关键词: doctoral students;research grants;scientific research output;stickiness effect;counterfactual analysis
张双志 成都大学 师范学院, 成都 610106 
摘要点击次数: 1174
全文下载次数: 1066
      Exploring the stickiness effect of the scientific research fund granted to doctoral students, i.e., exploring whether the influence of the fund on scientific research output is due to comparative advantage or ability stratification, has important policy enlightenment value. Based on the data of 1,341 doctoral graduates obtained through web crawler and manual mining, the author uses the counterfactual analysis model (PSM) to carry out an empirical test. The study finds: the average ability of the doctoral students who have obtained research fund is higher than those who have not and the scientific research output is the result of regrouping caused by ability stratification, rather than the categorized benefits from the comparative advantage. In other words, if the unfunded doctoral students can obtain the fund, the marginal output they produce will be larger than that by the doctoral students who have been funded. This means a suggestion for policy adjustment: universities return to the original mission for cultivating students when using scientific research fund, increase the coverage of the fund greatly so as attract more doctoral students who wish to apply for the fund, encourage them to yield more scientific research achievements, and improve the overall quality of talent cultivation.
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