The Output Prospect and Future Concern of Academic Dissertations on Sports Law Research in China:Based on the Analysis of 271 Dissertations Since 2000
中文关键词: 研究生学位论文;产出;体育法;研究展望
英文关键词: postgraduate dissertation;output;sports law;research prospect
樊晓飞 江苏大学 体育部, 江苏 镇江 212013 
赵鹏杰 江苏大学 法学院, 江苏 镇江 212013 
张健 江苏大学 法学院, 江苏 镇江 212013 
摘要点击次数: 1180
全文下载次数: 4182
      To summarize and analyze the dissertations of postgraduates in sports law over the past 20 years is conducive to a better understanding of the current situation of the cultivation of the postgraduates in sports law,which can also provide reference for the cultivation of postgraduates in sports law in the future.The analysis of the output of dissertations,training entities,disciplines the postgraduates majoring in and the contents of the dissertations finds that the current pattern of "clustering effect" continues and a pattern of "blooming everywhere" is in formation in terms of cultivation entities.It also finds that the dissertation topic selection of postgraduates in sports law focuses on application and innovation,registering obvious characteristics prone to solving practical problems based on China's reality.Based on the findings,the authors suggest that,in the future,the law community should strengthen the training of postgraduates in sports law,postgraduates should consolidate basic theoretic research and the cultivation entities should promote the diversification and deep exploration of research topics.At the same time,the authors also suggest that we should promote the common development of normative research and empirical research,strengthen comparative research,and attach importance to local practice and historical experience.
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