Rethinking on the Cancellation of “Dissertation Publication Requirement”: Based on the Triangular Coordination Model
中文关键词: 博士论文发表要求;学术评价;三角协调模式;量化标准;破"五唯"
英文关键词: requirements for doctoral thesis publication;academic evaluation;triangle coordination mode;quantitative standards;break the "five only"
杨庭颂 东南大学 人文学院, 南京 211100 
摘要点击次数: 1187
全文下载次数: 3171
      The controversy caused by the "dissertation publication requirement" makes it a realistic subject linking educational theory and evaluation practice. The fundamental value of the requirement is to improve the training quality and promote the innovation in knowledge production, but the performance of the operation mechanism in educational practice shows: target replacement, academic competition, administrative management and function fixation. After probing into the mechanism, the author finds that the over-dependence on the evaluation path, the "academic GDP-ism" in evaluation criteria and the stake in the evaluation have only strengthened the phenomenon of involution. Practice manifests that it is not advisable to abolish the "dissertation publication requirement" in a "one-size-fits-all" manner. Based on the triangular coordination model, the author proposes that the solution is to coordinate the three factors in promoting: the reasonable determination of a set of multi-dimensional evaluation standards so as to improve the multi-level and differentiated evaluation system at the academic level; the strengthening of academic evaluation guidance so as to give full play of the third party at the market level, and the implementation of the diversion mechanism so as to improve the quality of high-level personnel training at the administrative level. The author believes that further research can help reduce the risk of evaluation bubble, and provide reference for the building of the basic theory of the academic degree system and judicial practice in China.
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