Research on Collective Sense of Efficacy of Teacher-Student Team in Studio Mode in Postgraduate Education: A case study of a multi-MOOC curriculum construction project team
中文关键词: 师生课程建设团队;研究生培养;集体效能感;工作室模式
英文关键词: Teachers-students curriculum construction team;postgraduate education;collective sense of efficacy;studio mode
李文超 北京大学 教育学院, 北京 100871 
王宇 国家开放大学 教育教学部, 北京 100039 
汪琼 北京大学 教育学院, 北京 100871 
摘要点击次数: 1414
全文下载次数: 3461
      That a supervisor leads students to jointly build an online course of their own major and at the same time cultivates the professional abilities of the students is a common approach for the construction of "golden courses" in domestic universities, and it is of great practical significance to pay attention to the collective sense of efficacy of the teacher-student curriculum construction team so as to ensure the realization of curriculum construction and to achieve the objective of student cultivation. With the focus on the question of "how does the collective sense of efficacy of a teacher-student curriculum construction team form and change", this research adopts the qualitative study approach and compares the different performances of the three MOOC courses a curriculum construction team has built in two consecutive years. The results of the comparison show that: In the teacher-student curriculum construction team, the task context, individual attribute, group structure and the collective sense of efficacy interact each other and finally influence the student cultivation effect. Specifically, the task context mainly consists of course theme and project schedule; the individual attribute includes ability, relevant experience, individual motivation and self-efficacy; and the group structure encompasses member interaction, group behavior and the style of the group leader. The development practice of the three courses shows that: excessive pursuit of standardized hierarchical training may frustrate students' initiative of innovation, while the efforts taken to cultivate students' quick learning ability and help them build academic confidence are conducive to improving the effect of the studio training mode.
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