Quantitative Analysis of the Policies on the Cultivation Mode forProfessional Degree Postgraduates in China: From the perspective of policy tools
中文关键词: 政策工具;专业学位研究生;培养模式;量化分析
英文关键词: policy tools;professional degree postgraduate;cultivation mode;quantitative analysis
胡艺玲 华中师范大学 教育学院, 武汉 430079 
摘要点击次数: 1659
全文下载次数: 4320
      In order to promote the reform of China's professional degree postgraduate cultivation mode, it is necessary to optimize the policy system thereof. Based on the perspective of policy tools, with policy tools as the horizontal dimension and the constitutional elements of the cultivation mode as the vertical dimension, the author builds a two-dimensional analytic framework, with which, the author carries out an quantitative analysis of 82 documents on the professional degree postgraduate cultivation mode issued by the central government of China from 1990 to 2019. According to the analysis, the author concludes that the policies relating to the professional degree postgraduate cultivation mode are unstable and unsystematic; the use structure of the policy tools for the cultivation mode is not rational; the policy supply to different constitutional elements of the cultivation mode is unbalanced; and the policy tools and the constitutional elements of the cultivation mode do not fit very well. Based on the findings, the author proposes to systematically strengthen the stability of the policies relating to the cultivation mode, adjust the use structure of the policy tools for professional degree postgraduates, reform the constitutional elements of the cultivation mode, and improve the two-dimension adaptability between the policy tools and the constitutional elements of the cultivation mode.
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