The Weird Phenomenon of “First Degree Discrimination” Needs to be Dispelled: Analysis of the correlation between the bachelor degree and comprehensive ability of postgraduates at J University
中文关键词: 硕士研究生;第一学历;歧视
英文关键词: postgraduates;first degree (bachelor degree);discrimination
刘林 江苏师范大学 教育科学学院, 江苏 徐州 221116 
陈晓梅 江苏师范大学 教育科学学院, 江苏 徐州 221116 
摘要点击次数: 1918
全文下载次数: 4852
      The "first degree discrimination" becomes a big concern nowadays. A quantitative research on the correlation between the first degree obtained from a higher-learning institution and the comprehensive ability of the postgraduates enrolled in recent three batches at J University shows that there is no significant difference in innovation ability among postgraduates with different first degrees. In other words, the first degree of a master who obtained from undergraduate period has nothing to do with the core competence of his/her comprehensive ability. Therefore, it is totally unnecessary to overstress the importance of the first degree and even regard it as a threshold when matriculating and employing postgraduates. The authors suggest that to eliminate the "first degree discrimination", we should raise the awareness of the society, return to the consensus of correct evaluation; introduce special legal provisions, establish an error-correction and assistance mechanism; and deepen the reform of selecting and employing people in accordance with their integrity and capability.
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