Review and Reconstruction of the Doctoral Enrollment Mode at Chinese Universities
中文关键词: 招生模式;演变轨迹;冲突矛盾;改革方向;改革路径
英文关键词: enrollment mode;evolution trajectory;conflicts and contradictions;reform orientation;reform path
梁传杰 武汉理工大学 法学与人文社会学院, 武汉 430070 
摘要点击次数: 1421
全文下载次数: 3426
      The changes in the doctoral student admission system at universities in China have registered in four aspects:in governance structure, it has changed from single government management to multi-unit governance; in value orientation, it has changed from fairness first to quality first; in admissions mode, it has changed from a single mode to the coexistence of multi-unit involved mode, and in candidate admission, it has changed from open to public without special preference to open to outstanding ones or special groups. At present, the coexistence of the four elements in doctoral student admission mode in China shows the offside and misalignment of the government, the dislocation of universities, and the lack of supervisors. This paper points out that the reform of the doctoral student enrollment mode at universities in China should be directed to the establishment of a value orientation based on epistemology and for knowledge innovation; the reform target should be directed to the objectives to be reached with the application review mode in predominant position and with co-existence of multi-unit involved mode; and the governance system should be directed to the co-governance featuring the guidance of teachers as the leading role. Moreover, this paper points out that the specific path lies in the adjustment of the application review mode, in the connotation to be better aligned with the special needs of the country, and in the organic integration of the dominant mode and the multi-unit involved mode.
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