Research on the Trend of Doctoral Career Choice and Governance Path at China's Research Universities
中文关键词: 研究型大学;博士毕业生;职业选择;治理路径;学术职业
英文关键词: research university;doctoral graduates;career choice;governance path;academic career
胡德鑫 天津大学 教育学院, 天津 300354 
师悦 南京大学 教育研究院, 南京 210093 
摘要点击次数: 1971
全文下载次数: 3549
      Based on the annual report on the employment quality of graduates from the universities selected in the "double first-class" construction program as the basic data frame, this paper explores the trend and governance path of doctoral career choice at research-oriented universities in China. The results show: 1. from the perspective of employment, direct employment is the first choice, and the proportion increases to a certain degree after the doctoral candidates finish their programs; 2. from the perspective of employers, higher-learning institutions are still the first choice, and enterprises become an important supplement, and their career choice is greatly influenced by the discipline structure of the universities, especially in the medical field; 3. from the perspective of career choice types, most college students choose academic career and the proportion is over 60 percent, anyhow, more than one third of students choose non-academic career finally, which shows an increasing trend; 4. from the perspective of employing regions, career choice is influenced by the economic efficiency of different localities, spillover effect and national policy guidance; and 5. from the perspective of employing industries, the choices concentrate in education, health and social work, scientific research and technical services. The subject knowledge attribute of the students is the leading factor, and the salary level and career development prospect are the important supplementary factors. Based on the findings, this paper puts forward a future governance path for doctoral education reform at research-oriented universities in China from the three dimensions of system construction, organizational management and technical support.
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