On the Cause of Marginal Psychology in Low-grade Direct-entry PhD Students in the Transitional Period from Undergraduate Status to Doctoral Status
中文关键词: 直博生;博士生;边缘理论;博士生教育
英文关键词: direct-entry PhD student;PhD student;marginal theory;doctoral education
洪茜 清华大学 教育研究院, 北京 100084 
刘路 清华大学 教育研究院, 北京 100084 
Hamish Coates 清华大学 教育研究院, 北京 100084 
摘要点击次数: 1801
全文下载次数: 3661
      Direct-entry PhD students become increasingly an important part of PhD students in China. However, there are marginal psychological problems occurring in the process of their identity adaption from undergraduate status to PhD student status. Based on the marginal theory, this paper analyzes the causes of the marginal psychology of the low-grade direct-entry PhD students, revealing that the marginal category earmarked by the different physical and mental development, and knowledge and skill proficiency from traditional PhD students constitutes the essential factor; the marginal presence in "low composition" type and "knowledge production" type constitute direct factors; the subjective choice to group affiliations and the recognition threshold for them to be in the role of knowledge producers in different fields act as moderating factors. The suggestions put forward in this study include: acknowledge scientifically the group difference and reconstruct a new social identity to help the direct-entry PhD students in "low composition" address social identity challenges, and establish a comparatively independent training system and appropriate expectation to the roles of the direct-entry PhD students according to their knowledge capacity developed and the attributes of their disciplines.
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