How the Supply of Educational Resources Promotes the Scale Expansion of PhDs in the United States: Simulation analysis based on system dynamics model
中文关键词: 教育资源供给;博士授予规模;驱动效应;系统动力学;美国
英文关键词: educational resource supply;PhD Scale;driving effect;system dynamics;the US
王梅 天津大学 教育学院, 天津 300354 
张增 天津大学 教育学院, 天津 300354 
摘要点击次数: 1311
全文下载次数: 3459
      The scale of PhD degrees conferred is the embodiment of a country's innovation strength and competitiveness, and the supply of educational resources is the main driving force for the scale expansion of PhDs. With the reference of the relevant data in the United States from the year 1979 to 2016, this paper uses the system dynamics model to analyze the driving effects of teachers, funding, and institutional resource supply on the expansion of the PhD scale in the US. The study finds that the positive driving factors to the scale expansion of PhDs in the United States are respectively the recruitment and selection time limit, the fixed time of the employment, and the guidance system. The effect of such driving factors as promotion, job quit rate, the discipline size, and the supervisor system is variable at different times. When the number of teachers grows too fast and the study duration is prolonged, the expansion scale slows down. The study also finds the effective range that involves the input of the higher-education R&D fund and the change of subsidies. With the reference of others' experience, the authors suggest that to promote the scale expansion of PhDs, China should extend the recruitment time limit and dynamically adjust the size of the faculty; give full play to the guidance function of the policy and improve the supervisor-post management; broaden fund source while reasonable control subsidies; and reform the supervisor system while effectively promote the development of liberal arts.
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