Analysis of the Cultivation Path for Postgraduates in Social Work from the Perspective of New Liberal Arts Construction
中文关键词: 新文科建设;社会工作;硕士培养
英文关键词: new liberal arts discipline construction;social work;postgraduate cultivation
高迎爽 中国社会科学院大学 高等教育研究所, 北京 102488 
王涛 中国社会科学院大学 文法学院, 北京 102488 
摘要点击次数: 1988
全文下载次数: 4068
      The modernization of the state governance system and ability needs a lot of high-quality social workers. Yet unfortunately, the motivation for training professional degree postgraduates in social work in China is insufficient; some universities pay less attention to the recognition of social work and input less energy to coordinate the training on professional degree postgraduates in social work; the training objective is not compatible with the training system; the length of schooling is unreasonable for the students; and schools lack of teachers. The new liberal arts discipline construction attaches great importance to open integration and interdisciplinary learning. Its goals, tasks and internal logic are in consistence with the need of social work, and it is an opportunity for the training of professional degree postgraduates to reform its mode. Therefore, this paper proposes a "five-in-one" integration path for the new liberal arts discipline construction from the perspectives of such five dimensions as cultivation entities, disciplinary construction, teaching system, academics and practice, and faculty building in a bid to help raise the education quality of professional degree postgraduates in social work.
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