The List Mode of Postgraduate Management in the Context of Prospering the University by Vigorously Developing its Colleges
中文关键词: 强院兴校;高等教育改革;校院关系;权力清单;研究生教育管理
英文关键词: prospering the university by vigorously developing its colleges;higher education reform;the relations between the university and its colleges;list of powers;postgraduate education management
汪全胜 山东大学 法学院, 山东 威海 264209 
张奇 山东大学 体育教学部, 山东 威海 264209 
摘要点击次数: 2075
全文下载次数: 4730
      With the deepening reforms that delegate power, improve regulation and upgrade services in higher education and with the optimization of the management systems at the two levels of university and college, the independent college running has been put on the agenda and "prospering the university by vigorously developing its colleges" has become an inevitable trend for the development of higher education in China. As the present management mode for postgraduate education can't meet the requirements for strengthening the university and its colleges, it is necessary to promote the establishment of postgraduate management lists respectively for the university and its colleges, which should be conducive to the development of measures for the university-college prospering and development program. The formulation of the lists should follow certain principles, laws and regulations. In the formulation process, it is necessary for relevant governance bodies to participate in the discussion and consultation so as to make the list of powers complete and practically applicable. In terms of the general composition of the postgraduate management lists, this paper proposes that the one of the university should center on policy guidance, institutional norms, operating supervision, performance appraisal, and service optimization, while the one of the college should be corresponding to the one of the university. However, the postgraduate management list of the university should define the dominance and subjectivity of the college in the process of postgraduate education.
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