The Core Meaning of Successive Bachelor/Master Cultivation Mode and Its Development Direction
中文关键词: 本研贯通;人才培养模式;创新人才培养
英文关键词: successive bachelor/master cultivation;talent cultivation mode;innovative talent cultivation
闫广芬 天津大学 教育学院, 天津 300350 
尚宇菲 天津大学 教育学院, 天津 300350 
摘要点击次数: 2833
全文下载次数: 5315
      Talent cultivation is the basic function and fundamental task of universities and the mode of talent cultivation is the critical concern of the education quality. Based on the holistic perspective, this paper starts from the three dimensions of ideological origin, institutional foundation and social demand to analyze the core meaning of the successive bachelor/master cultivation mode. To persist on the people-first ideology is the key to remaining true to our original education aspiration and to recognize and respect subjectivity and difference of the people is the ideological origin of the successive bachelor/master cultivation mode. As the current talent cultivation mode can't meet the diversified needs of individuals, a new system to be created has become inevitable. The successive bachelor/master cultivation mode can support efficiently and continuously the effective internal linkage of the higher education system and promote the integrated construction of disciplines and specialties. With flexible path options, the mode can provide institutional guarantee for the development of subjectivity and diversity of the students. High-caliber personnel are eagerly needed for social development, while the successive bachelor/master cultivation mode is in compliance with the law of education and can provide excellent professionals to meet the demand of the society. Upon the clarification of the core essentials, this paper proposes a development path for the successive bachelor/master cultivation mode.
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