On the Principles of the Basic Theory of Postgraduate Education in China
中文关键词: 研究生教育;基本理论;基本逻辑
英文关键词: postgraduate education;basic theory;basic logic
冉亚辉 重庆师范大学 教育科学学院, 重庆 401331 
摘要点击次数: 1762
全文下载次数: 5214
      The postgraduate education in China has gradually formed its own basic theoretical system and the basic principles in the content are as follows:the goal of the education is to enhance the innovation quality and ability of postgraduates; the nature of the postgraduate education belongs to elite education; the cultivation mode adopted in the education is a combination of course teaching and practical research; the supervisor responsibility system is mainly implemented in the process of cultivation; and it is the first time for the Chinese students to contact academic research in real sense in the postgraduate education. In intrinsic logic:the cultivation for the improvement of innovation quality and ability of the postgraduates is decided by the logic in cultivation goal for the education; the orientation of elite education is decided by the logic in the nature of the education; the adoption of the integrated "course teaching and practical research" cultivation mode is decided by the logic in the education process; the supervisor responsibility system is decided by the logic in the management and control process of the education in China; and the setting of the postgraduate stage as a real academic research stage is decided by the logic in the educational hierarchy planning for higher education of China.
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