Manifestation and Causes of Academic Drift of Professional Degree Postgraduate Education and Governance Thereof
中文关键词: 专业学位;学术漂移;路径依赖;新制度主义
英文关键词: professional degree;academic drift;path dependence;new institutionalism
基金项目:上海市教育科学研究项目:专业学位研究生教育"双导师制":理据、困境及其进路 (C18051)
郑世良 上海第二工业大学 研究生部, 上海 201209 
李丹 上海第二工业大学 研究生部, 上海 201209 
摘要点击次数: 1771
全文下载次数: 4165
      The academic governance logic of universities poses a challenge to the diversification of postgraduate education. In the practice of professional degree education, there is an "academic drift" that deviates from the application orientation. In the research perspective and based on the analytical paradigm of the new institutionalism theory, this paper deeply analyzes the possible issues of "academic drift", and believes the "institutional isomorphism" is a theory that explains the extension of the professional degree postgraduate education to the academic field. The coercive mechanism, mimetic mechanism, and normative mechanism are the motivations for professional degree postgraduate education to deviate from the application orientation. To achieve governance over the "academic drift" of the professional degree postgraduate education, this paper suggests that we grasp the application orientation of professional degree postgraduate education to improve the classification and multi-governance framework of postgraduate education. It also suggests that we establish an innovation system matrix suitable for professional degree postgraduate education beyond path dependence, renew knowledge values and construct a field practice community for professional postgraduate education organizations.
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