The Characteristics of the Talent Recruitment Policies of Higher-learning Institutionsand the Related Problems and the Countermeasures: Based on the analysis from six Normal Universities Affiliated to the Ministry of Education
中文关键词: 部属师范高校;青年人才;引进政策
英文关键词: normal universities affiliated to the Ministry of Education;Young talent;recruitment policies
郭柏林 云南师范大学 高等教育与区域发展研究院, 昆明 650500 
鲁世林 上海交通大学 科学史与科学文化研究院, 上海 200240 
摘要点击次数: 1791
全文下载次数: 4338
      The talent recruitment policy has an important value-guiding role. The universities in the "double first-class" construction all regard the recruitment of young talent as an important strategic action for development. Through the analysis of the recruitment policies of the normal universities affiliated to the Ministry of Education, it is found that those universities share the same characteristics that they give priority to the young talent with "honorary talent titles" in recruitment, attach importance to their honors, scientific research ability, background of overseas studying, and high academic qualifications. The cost of talent recruitment increases at all the universities for the "double first-class" construction. The analysis also finds some problems resulted from irrational factors probably existing in the recruitment policies:challenges to the original education of the universities arising from the overheated selection of talent based on their talent titles; encouragement to the practice of ignoring teaching caused by excessive attention to scientific research ability of young talent; affected sustainable development of higher education due to excessive differentiated treatment; and adverse influence to the orderly flow of the talent market resulting from the almost-blind worship to talent returned from other countries. In view of this, this paper proposes that normal universities affiliated to the Ministry of Education should strengthen scientific planning for talent recruitment so as to prevent negative impact on the "double first-class" construction policy, adhere to a more reasonable concept of talent recruitment so as to build a flexible and diverse selection mechanism, follow the logic in discipline development and implement an differentiated talent evaluation system, and improve the talent recruitment model so as to improve the soft environment for recruiting talent.
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