Exploration on the Authorization Mechanism of Project-based Professional Degree Points Based on the Needs of Industrial Development in the New Era
中文关键词: 产业发展;项目制;专业学位授权
英文关键词: industrial development;project responsibility system;professional degree authorization
钱国英 浙江万里学院 研究生部, 浙江 宁波 315100 
徐立清 浙江万里学院 研究生部, 浙江 宁波 315100 
袁勇军 浙江万里学院 研究生部, 浙江 宁波 315100 
摘要点击次数: 1402
全文下载次数: 3495
      With the acceleration of industrial transformation and upgrading in the new era, the requirements loaded on the education of high-level applied talent become prompt, targeted, flexible, and diversified. Therefore, the authors believe it is urgent to learn the project-based professional degree authorization model from developed countries, build a new flexible response mechanism for educating personnel into talent, and change the traditional degree conferring restriction that only the certified universities and have authorized units to confer degrees. The project-based authorization is conducive to promoting the development of the applied higher education in China. It will give full play to the featured advantages of the disciplines at local universities, and it is in line with the reform trend of international professional degree authorization model. Based on the analysis, this paper proposes the construction of a diversified project-based authorization management system and the strengthening the education quality control over the universities that are covered by the project-based system education, so as to better serve the needs for the development of emerging and featured local industries.
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